25th August 2020

CYBERSAFE steering committee meeting takes place in Tartu

On March 4th and 5th, 2020, the partners of the CYBERSAFE project met in Tartu, Estonia. The project partners are working together to guarantee the successful implementation of an educational online tool to be used in schools, in order to tackle online violence against girls.

ICDI – International Child Development Initiatives presented the Educational Prevention Programme for teenagers, while Serious Games Interactive updated the partners on the development of the online tool. The University of Tartu is following the preparation of pilots in schools in Greece (done by Σύνδεσμος Μελών Γυναικείων Σωματείων Union of Women Association), Italy (done by Retesalute Azienda Speciale) and Northern Ireland (done by Nexus_NI) and Estonia (Women’s Support and Information Centre). The WAVE Network informed the partners about the dissemination of the project results, while University of Ljubljana supported the partners with content-related work, such as the report on online violence against girls. The second day was used for a train the trainer workshop on how to conduct structured pilot intervention and evaluations in the partner countries. The online tool, as well as the project outputs, will be available online for all the interested stakeholders/schools/organisations

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